MEDICALBOARD joins the KAPSLY platform

We are hap­py to announce that MEDICALBOARD has joined the KAPSLY plat­form! KAPSLY is a ser­vice-for-equi­­ty plat­form that con­nects ser­vice providers with promis­ing start-ups. MEDICALBOARD offers exper­tise in Mar­ket­ing and Strat­e­gy and is a great match for start-ups look­ing to test or val­i­date their prod­uct ideas ear­ly and/or to achieve busi­ness growth. Our sis­ter company…

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MEDICALBOARD meets with Slovenian Embassy Delegation

Kari­na Can­dri­an, co-founder of MEDICALBOARD, recent­ly held a vir­tu­al pre­sen­ta­tion for a del­e­ga­tion from the Sloven­ian Embassy to share her know-how about the Swiss health­care mar­ket and to pro­vide advise on how to enter it suc­cess­ful­ly. Here are 3 char­ac­ter­is­tics of the Swiss health­care mar­ket to be con­sid­ered in a go-to-mar­ket approach: Switzer­land has a very strong Med­ical Device ecosystem…

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