The human factor as key for project success

Although process­es are being defined, new project method­olo­gies are avail­able and great dig­i­tal tools are being imple­ment­ed, it seems that stake­hold­er man­age­ment (e.g. poor align­ment, wrong understanding/interpretation, dis­crep­an­cy in expec­ta­tions etc.) still remains a chal­lenge. A recent LinkedIn poll revealed that 50% believe that poor stake­hold­er man­age­ment is a key fac­tor for project fail­ure. So how do we…

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What added value does the services of MEDICALBOARD bring?

An inter­view with Jens Thieme, Head of Group Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­ni­ca­tions at Oer­likon fol­low­ing the com­ple­tion of a long-term project launch­ing a new cor­po­rate web­site includ­ing sev­er­al busi­ness units. Mr. Thieme, Oer­likon has worked with MEDICALBOARD con­tin­u­ous­ly over the past years. The result of this col­lab­o­ra­tion went “live” a few weeks ago. Could you share…

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Business Case Validation

Val­i­dat­ing your busi­ness or prod­uct idea is an impor­tant step in an ear­ly phase to gain strong evi­dence and take thor­ough deci­sions. MEDICALBOARD has com­plet­ed numer­ous projects to gain clin­i­cal and eco­nom­i­cal health­care insights for new prod­uct val­i­da­tions.  Find out more about our lean and prag­mat­ic approach by read­ing our case study. We sup­port­ed an…

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MEDICALBOARD supports the DCB Open Innovation Challenge

Dia­betes Cen­ter Berne (DCB) is a pri­vate, inde­pen­dent Swiss foun­da­tion, found­ed in 2017 with the mis­sion to iden­ti­fy unmet needs in dia­betes tech­nol­o­gy. One of these unmet needs is the bet­ter glu­cose mea­sure­ment which is the rea­son for the launch of the DCB Open Inno­va­tion Chal­lenge. Select­ed projects will receive pro­fes­sion­al men­tor­ing, access to an…

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We’ve hatched a big egg for Easter!

Just in time for East­er we have hatched a big egg!!! Our client’s web­site is now live! Here a few key facts about the project man­age­ment ser­vices we pro­vid­ed. Plan­ning, lead­ing, and track­ing of: ☑️ > 30,000 pages☑️ 4 busi­ness units with het­ero­ge­neous require­ments and user sto­ries☑️ 5 lan­guages☑️ Upgrade to next gen­er­a­tion CMS☑️ Re-shap­ing and…

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